open DATAXXXX.binslot (corresponding with your save file number) and replace these highlighted characters with the MD5 checksum.Get the MD5 checksum of the data file ( you can do this here).Navigate to C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\userdata\USERID\1113000\remote and copy the save there.(alternatively copy the saves to your ux0 root on your vita and transfer via usb) Connect to your pc via ftp and copy over.Hover over the GAMEID and press triangle then select open decrypted.Open Vitashell, Navigate to Ux0:user/00/savedata/GAMEID (for my persona 4 this is PCSB00245 but I think it varies by region).save in slot 5 if you are transfering a save from it). You need a modded vita, a Hex Editor, and an FTP client, and to make a save data on PC (You also must transfer the same data slot, i.e.